If you enjoy Games so Pokemon Y Rom would be a good game for you! You can download Pokemon Y Rom with a direct link and free. This game is in the English language and is of the best quality available.
I’m also having trouble getting CHDMAN.zip to download. Right-clicking and “Save link as …” on your link above still leaves me with a zip file that Windows 10 says is invalid when I try to open it. If you only have two big (Cortex-A75 or equivalent) cores on your device, like with soccer games Snapdragon 700 chipsets, you should disable Multi-Threaded VU1 in the System settings. If you have more than two big cores, turn this setting on. You can also long-press on the game icons in the main menu and select “Quick Load” to load directly into your most recent save state.
I suggest getting Floating IPS tool, which supports bps, and ips formats patch which is nice. It’s recommened that the patch is for the same region as the ROM, to avoid any issues. There is no chance that you can play any of them directly on your emulator. For this reason, you need to avail yourself of dedicated file patching tools.
Once you download ROMs, you’ll be able to play them on a PC or a mobile phone. You can easily see and explore the newest games and the most popular ones out there with a few scrolls in their homepage. They let you download and play your desired console on your computer with a single click without suffering from a barrage of aggressive pop-up ads. They offer emulators for phones ranging from Android phones, and iOS to Windows. With this feature, one can safely download and enjoy his favorite ROMs on his/her mobile phone with a simple click.
Tap “Extract here” and the contents should pop up right below the zipped file. I’ll get into what apps are needed from the Play Store later as the guide progresses. You can now quickly save and reload at any point in the game. Even right before that deadly attack from Dracula himself. The main story revolves around a single unique concept of creating new Pokemon Species from the existing pokemon.
This game is considered to be one of the most relevant Pokémon ROM hacks by numerous fans. It is set in the Hawthorne region and provides you with a relatively standard Pokémon adventure with a story developing in accordance with your narrative decisions. Also, the gameplay is varied with a lot of side quests and mini-games.